What I do

This blog is an open forum to talk about the real important issues that need to be talked about. Or just the real funny issues that people want to talk about...(note: My grammar and spelling are terrible, its part of the charm.)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Gaping Gapers Block

I don't hate many things in life, but one thing I do hate is traffic. Being from Chicago there is always traffic. To me there are two kinds of traffic:

1- Cluster Fu*k traffic: When there are just too many people on the road, due to the over population of our city coupled by the fact that everyone goes to work, and comes home from work at the same time and it causes a Cluster Fu*k on the roads.

2- Dumb fu*k traffic: This traffic occurs when a dumb fu*k gets into an accident, and dumb fu*ks on both sides of traffic feel the need to slow down and stare at dumb fu*k number 1. (note: accidents do happen, so in some cases dumb fu*k traffic is not caused by dumb fu*ks.

Dumb fu*k traffic is usually called, or referred to as a Gapers Block.

I have a huge problem with this term, mainly because "Gape" or "Gaping" or "Gapers" has two meanings ( Gape can be a verb or noun) which can make the term Gapers Block mean two opposite things. (note: This is fu*king annoying, the English language sucks balls. Sidenote: Brazil should be spelled Brasil as well.). The dictionary definition of Gapes:

- –verb (used without object)
1. to stare with open mouth, as in wonder.
2. a wide opening; gap; breach

Like I said those of us who watch porn every once in a while know that gaping is something that is wide open. (whispering eyes) and something that you absolutely don't want to stare at.

I don't understand why Gape needs two different definitions, one is sufficient. Make up a different word Webster. Webster is a biotch.

Anyway, If anyone uses the word Gapers Block, please correct them because now, its officially known as a DUMB FU*K BLOCK.

Thank you,

Crazy C going out for a beer.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Are You Down With Chex Mix Pretzels?

As you can see from my face at the left this is going to be my WEIRD face for WEIRD posts.

The other day I was in a intense conversation with one of my good friends. The subject of our intense conversation: What is your favorite Chex Mix piece and why?

It's a very good question with lots of possibilities. First off, Chex Mix is a great snack loved by millions, and we were talking about there "Traditional" mix. After much debate we came up with one thing we agreed upon.

The Chex Mix Pretzel is by far the worst piece in the bag. If I wanted pretzels, I would have ate a bag of Pretzels. Not a bag of the Chex Mix Pretzels though, they are two different pretzels in a traditional Chex Mix bag, windows and circles, bottom line there isn't much substance to them. Which makes them insignifcant to eat. Unlike the Chex Mix breadsticks, If I wanted a bag of those, I simply couldn't get them.

If I'm going to eat pretzels, I either want them in stick form (so you can lick the salt off of them unitl they are white, and then pretend you are smoking...cool). Or in soft form, in which you can dip them into all sorts of fun sauces, and they're warm. Can't get any better than that.

So back to the orginal question: What is the best Chex Mix piece and why?

My answer: The dark rye chip - Most substance, Most flavor, Crunchy, and they are easy to pick out of the bag (Like Darius Rucker at the CMT awards).

But that is only my opinion, I would like yours: So please respond with your favorite Chex Mix piece and why?

The person with the best answer gets a bag of Chex Mix on me!

-- I would like to thank A.H., for contributing to this post--

Crazy C going out for Beer ---

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

BRAVO TV .... BRAVO on sucking

So as you see the face at the side represents how I feel about this subject. Subject being: BRAVO TV...

Bravo TV is garbage, their shows are terrible, fake, and overall more harmful to the United States of America than North Korea.

Here is the biggest problem : Bravo TV claims some of their shows are reality TV..... which is crap... If they were to label themselves: EXTREMELY OVER DRAMATIZED REAL PEOPLE, IN MADE FOR TV SITUATIONS, WHILE TRY TO BE SOMETHING THEY AREN'T FOR THE CAMERA .... TV I would have no problem with Bravo.

Let's start with The Real Housewives:

Problem: Very few of them are actually "Housewifes": By definition (a housewife is a married woman who manages her own household, esp. as her principal occupation. )

- Getting your nails done while bit**ing about some other ugly lady getting fake boobs, does not constitute as managing the household.

- Yelling at your nanny, to get the maid, to clean up after your child, who you never see does not constitute as manging the household.

- Having no husband = no housewife

Problem: The "fights" on these shows are over dramatized, not real, and made for TV.

- Getting a fellow "housewife" drunk, and having your teenage son try to f*** her: Never f**king happens

- Flipping over a table, at an extremely nice restaurant, because some ex-stripper, coke head, name changing, mother of two called out a different housewife: Never f**king happens

- Going into a hot shot recording studio, to record an album, WHEN YOU CAN'T F**KING SING A NOTE : Never f**king happens.

BRAVO TV, do you think that these random outrageous things happen and you are lucky enough to catch them on camera.....Ha Ha.

This new show really put me over the edge last night:NYC PREP

Problem: 15, 16, 17 year olds, run around the New York City, going to clubs, upscale restaurants, and fashion events without any problems, limits, or parents to be found anywhere. Bullsh**

I know kids are more mature now at younger ages, but really, 15 years old drinking at clubs in New York City, doing drugs, and hooking up with "16" girls a month. My ass, you are 15, you look 15, and any club that allows kids like that in their club, are SHUTDOWN.

16 year old living in the city with only her 18 year old brother, parents live in the hamptons.
Bullsh** somebody should take those kids away, if that's the truth.

Bottom Line is SAY WHAT YOU ARE, if BRAVO considers these shows, reality TV, they are lying to everyone.

Please feel free to discuss!

Crazy C going out for Beer---