What I do

This blog is an open forum to talk about the real important issues that need to be talked about. Or just the real funny issues that people want to talk about...(note: My grammar and spelling are terrible, its part of the charm.)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Not So Real World

One of the things I hate most in life is calling something, something its not. For example FOX calls its self an objective news station. FALSE. Bullshit. See stations like comedy central, who have shows like "The Daily Show" who advertise themselves as objective. So it's not a problem.

My big problem right now regarding this is the: Real World.

THE SHOW THE REAL WORLD BY NO MEANS DEPICTS "THE REAL WORLD". Putting eight perfect looking people in a multi-million dollar house, in the warmest nicest places, giving them bullshit jobs and manufacturing scenario's to grasp viewers is not the real world. Personally I think we should build a lawsuit against MTV, for false advertising. False advertising by definition:

False advertising
or deceptive advertising is the use of false or misleading statements in advertising. As advertising has the potential to persuade people into commercial transactions that they might otherwise avoid, many governments around the world use regulations to control false, deceptive or misleading advertising. Truth in labeling refers to essentially the same concept, that customers have the right to know what they are buying, and that all necessary information should be on the label.

Can't advertising a show which claims that it is reality tv, The Real World, be false advertising. I can claim that me watching the show, concurrently causes a commercial transaction, which would make the grossly false labeling of a show, False advertising. MTV sells shows, thats what they do. And we buy into it. It equals false advertising. ICEMAN, i need your legal expertise on this one.

There is one simple solution to this Real World problem, make The Real World, a Real World show. The Crazy Chicagoan has some suggestions on how to do this.

- The Real World Detroit - 8 people, living in a run down house in downtown Detroit. They can work at an auto stamp plant (8 mile reference) and can fear for there job the whole time they are there. They will be drinking a lot, not because MTV tells them too, because they have to, to forget about the world. There would be nakedness, I suspect some of the girls might whore themselves out to make some extra cash. Whores, Auto Industry, Detriot, Crack, equals a lot of fun on TV. Perfect scenario.

- The Real World XL - I propose putting 7 people who are average or above average weight, who may not be the prettiest people on earth, and 1 girl who is extremely skinny, hot, and a bitch in a house together. When doing this the bitch will be a bitch to everyone and think she is better than everyone else (which is not the case) it will pretty much depict the real world. Only good things can happen when a hottie is mixed with a bunch of notties.

Anyone else have a good real world they should make, let the Crazy Chicagoan know.

Crazy C going out for a beer ----

1 comment:

  1. Real World - University edition: Guys sit around playing Xbox all day wondering why they are failing all their classes. They occasionally take beer bong breaks.
