What I do

This blog is an open forum to talk about the real important issues that need to be talked about. Or just the real funny issues that people want to talk about...(note: My grammar and spelling are terrible, its part of the charm.)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dr. Suess - Jon & Kate I Hate (by Crazy Chicagoan)

If there is one thing that makes me irate,
It is Jon & Kate plus Eight.

These stupid fuckers
take up all the news time
just to make a lousy dime.

Our country has bigger problems at hand
Jon & Kate should be fucking banned.

Every time I hear about Jon & Kate plus Eight
I want to slit my throat with a rusty Ice-Skate.

High School brutality has become an after school sport
But no one hears about it, Because Jon & Kate wouldn't just abort

Our country is running out of money at an alarming rate
But no one can hear about it, because those fucking bastards Jon & Kate

Every time I hear about Jon & Kate plus Eight
I want to slit my throat with a rusty Ice-Skate.

Our health care system does nothing and its really been sucking
But the media would rather report on who Jon has been fucking

I could care less if Kate is a bitch and on the view crying
I want to hear why our fat Mayor Daley has been lying

When American watches Kate and her kids prancing around the farm
They are ignoring all the starving kids who are barely lift an arm.

The media is as much to blame
for creating Jon & Kate unworthy fame.

But who cares that California can't afford to keep kids in school
because Jon went out last night in Vegas and acted a fool

Jon is Dick and Kate is whore
please media don't air them any more!

In Final,

Every time I hear about Jon & Kate plus Eight
I want to slit my throat with a rusty Ice-Skate.

Crazy C going out for a beer ------