What I do

This blog is an open forum to talk about the real important issues that need to be talked about. Or just the real funny issues that people want to talk about...(note: My grammar and spelling are terrible, its part of the charm.)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Super Troopers!

I have had something on my mind for the last couple weeks and it's time to get it off my chest. I have lived in Chicago my whole life and there is something I notice on a regular basis. That is that Chicago Police Officers are out of shape.

I kid you not, I strongly believe I can out run 95% of the Chicago Police Force : The CAPS. I have nothing against the Chicago Police, but they are round. It probably is a side effect of their lifestyles but man, if robbing a place was as easy as out running a Chicago police officer, a lot of places would get robbed. I think a handful of the Chicago Police officers would lose the 50 yard dash in the junior special Olympics.

If that's not bad enough, they no longer walk to street and get some sort of exercise. They are riding their chubby asses around on segways. Which are just as easy to out run. So the obeseness of Chicago Police force got me thinking, If I could have my CRAZY CHICAGOAN POLICE FORCE (CCPF) who would I hire. Let me know what you guys think.


1. Usain Bolt - Nobody on this planet would be able to out run him. And he can pick up the smell of marijuana from a mile away/

2. Pacman Jones - My undercover brother. Send him into a strip club, whore house, drug deal and he fits right in. No questions ask. Not to mention he is a good fighter and fast.

3. Rosanne Barr - Master interrogator. No person can listen to this women's voice for 15 mins without wanting to drill their eardrums out. Not to mention she is not much of a looker.

4. Kim Kardashian - Why wouldn't you want her around and in uniform.

5. Bernie Madoff - Master of deception, and can run great fundraisers.

6. Carrot Top- Honestly, have you seen this dude lately. He has to be on some serious steriods. He will add some strength and comedy (someone to laugh at) to the squad.

7. Michael Phelps - Part of our diving / search a rescue / drug unit. Seems like a natural fit.

8. Robocop - He was awesome.

9. A Half - From Cop and a Half, that little kid knew everything.

This is the CrazyChicagoan Police Force, let me know what you guys think..

Crazy C going out for a beer ---