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This blog is an open forum to talk about the real important issues that need to be talked about. Or just the real funny issues that people want to talk about...(note: My grammar and spelling are terrible, its part of the charm.)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Beer Review: Michelob Golden Light

Beer Review: Michelob Golden Light

This weekend was one filled with beer drinking on top of beer drinking. I would like to thank everyone who participated in the weekend. It was a lot of fun. Anyway on to the point of this post. I drink a lot of beer, I love beer, I like to buy beer, I like a lot of different kinds of beer and so every Tuesday I will review all sorts of different beers and grade them.

Today's Beer: Michelob Golden Light, and it got my highest rating of a happy face :). Brief overview of Michelob Golden Light:

Brewer: Anheuser-Busch
Alcohol Content: 4.3%
Calories: 110
Carbs: 7

Named for
after Michelob, a Bohemian village near Saaz, famous for its Saaz Hops. Also named for its Golden color, lightness, and Golden feeling you feel after drinking a case of Michelob Golden light.

My own quick overview, it should be named awesome because MGL is awesome.
Michelob Golden Light is like getting dry humped by your high school girlfriend for the first time. Magical, and left you wanting more. Which is exactly the feeling you get when you sip a Michelob Golden Light. Lucky you can have more. The question is why is this such a good beer?


Crazy Chicagoan six criteria for rating beer:

1. Smell : Must not stank.... Michelob Golden Light smells like fresh Beer (4/5)
2. Appearance: Great coloring, not a lot of head, bubbles bubbling, cool (not rounded) can. Testimonial from Aaron Heller: "The can is awesome, as it isnt like any other beer can i have ever seen!" MGL scores a (5/5)
3. Ability to Drink Large quantities of it: Testimonial from Dan Raffe :
"you can drink it for 12 hours straight and not have any regrets" (5/5)
4. Hangover affect: I drank all day, and was able to get up and drink all day again. (5/5)
5. BS affect: The way a Beer affects your sh*ts. Everything was solid. (5/5)
6. Sex Appeal: Do you look sexy drinking this beer, will this beer lead to more sex: Yes and Yes (4/5)

MGL scores an impressive 28/30.

The only con to MGL it is a little difficult to get. It's available in Wisconsin and Minnesota, and they are starting to carry it in Chicago. It was spotted at the new awesome Jewel in the West Loop.

Overall Michelob Golden Light is a great light beer that leads to happy endings. I highly recommend it if you plan to drink a lot. Or I recommend it if you plan to drink a little. I don't recommend it if you plan not to drink. Because you don't plan to drink.

---Crazy C going out for a Michelob Golden Light.

1 comment:

  1. I will have to try Michelob Golden light because I also like alot of beer.
