What I do

This blog is an open forum to talk about the real important issues that need to be talked about. Or just the real funny issues that people want to talk about...(note: My grammar and spelling are terrible, its part of the charm.)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ran-dan-man: Random Dancing Man

Before I get to today's blog, I want to inform all of my avid fans that I will indeed be pitching Wii Fuck to a video game developer. I am writing a proposal, and will let everyone know how things go.

On to the random dancing man, it was suggest to me by a close friend to address the issue of the random dude that dances all alone to try to get attention and tries to get girls to dance with him. The Random Dancing Man, or Ran-Dan-Man, as I like to call it. The Ran-Dan-Man is an interesting species. Lets go over the characteristics of a Ran-Dan-Man:

A- Dances alone on any dance floor
B- This species dance moves are not good, they flails their arms and gyrate body, like a flamingo having a seizure.
C- This species is known for dancing in close proximity to women in hopes they will dance with them.
D- They wear unusually tight, flashy, and downright offensive clothing

These are the general characteristics of a Ran-Dan-Man. To sum up what I'm trying to say, these pathetic dudes dance alone to try to bring attention to themselves, and try to dance with girls in the hope that they will hook up.

Here is the message I want to send to the Ran-Dan-Men across the country. You are lame, your dance moves suck, and you aren't going to hook up with girls by trying to dance with them. I hate that these random dudes will try to start dancing with anyone: Girlfriends, lesbians, wives, etc. Have some respect Ran-Dan-Man, I don't want you dancing with my girl.

I also feel bad for the girls who get roped into dancing with these guys and don't know how to get the Ran-Dan-Man away. I have been in many rescue missions to get Ran-Dan-Men off of certain girls. You can see these girls giving you "the look", the GET THIS FU*KING CREEP OFF OF ME look.

All I'm saying to the Random Dancing Guy, you aren't ever going to get girls by randoming dancing around hoping a girl will notice you. Everyone thinks you are creppy....

Let me know what you think of the Ran-Dan-Man, I'm not a fan.

Crazy C going out for a beer----

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